Thursday 11 February 2010

Suggestions For A Field Trip....

A Limited choice with limitless expectations... Where to go for our field trip.... ?

As we are studying aspects of 'Being Bad', Should I suggest an outing to a place where Bad behaviour is rife... Perhaps a trip into my area... plenty of 'Bad' behaivour there... But that wouldnt be very interesting.... Hmmm... Decisions ey...!

Studying 'Bad Behaviour' is quite amusing at times... Ive heard some say this modual is 'Fun'... So, Somewhere that we can observe some aspects of 'Bad Behaviour' which is fun and exciting...

I suppose the criteria for the field trip would be within the time allocated for this modual... So going clubbing may be out, though it may be interesting getting drunk with some of these characters.... ;) ... Then again... Thats nothing new... Been there... Done That...!!

Perhaps I should suggest something I have never even thought about before... Something that appears to be quite popular amongst some of the fellow students... Something that would be quite an experience for me...

A field trip... To a Sex shop or museum...!...

Thats something I have never participated in before... could be a interesting experience... ! ...

So thats my suggestion.

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