Tuesday 23 February 2010

Lies Response…

Right…So you can hide your true intentions from people by lying… Mmm… I’m not entirely sure about that… To simply not comment, or hold your tongue is not the same as lying surely…. However, If your true intentions are malicious… You may need to lie… Lying will be of benefit to the malicious then… If you have only good intentions then why would you need to lie… Of course if your intentions are ‘Bad’ then to lie would be ‘Good’… As for compliments… If one was in habit of lying to women, “passing a compliment” for there own deceitful intentions, how is anyone to believe a single word passed through their lips…?…http://www.eloheem.blogspot.com/
I find the above quite interesting… and Insightful… However, I cant agree with it entirely. I honestly believe that a bad reputation is easier to cope with than a bad conscience… I have experience with both and Id rather my conscience is clear than lie to cover something I probably shouldn’t have done in the first place… I have, in the past had a reputation grow based on lies others have told in a misguided attempt to destroy me… I just laugh it off… I have also lied to cover myself and the consequences have been indescribable… Since my last fall, I vowed to honour the truth and never do anything I have to lie about… Truth will out…!…

Regarding Santa Claus… I have always told my daughter, since she was old enough to understand… “Santa is pretend”… Society teaches my daughter Santa is real… I intend to raise my daughter to honour truth over lies so that she doesn’t get her hopes up to have them come crashing down… Most of us were told not to lie by our parents, then witnessed them lying in some form or another… I have learnt the hard way how lies can be destructive and I, personally would like my daughter not to have to repeat my mistakes… I suppose lying can be used in some instances for good… but how do you explain the distinction to a 4 year old…?…

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