Sunday 21 February 2010

Politicians… Lies… And the Line…

We all know that Politicians lie… We all heard it in Tony Blair’s claim that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq… Some believed him… Others did not… Dr David Kelly was one who said Iraq did not have the WMD… And he was found dead soon after…Some of us knew the threat did not exist to the extent that our government claimed and used to justify the war… Others believe that Saddam simply had to be removed for the greater good of the world… and so what if Mr Blair lied to us… He did it for the greater good right…(?!?)...

So can telling lies ever be for the greater good…?… I am sure there will be many examples where it can be justified… Each individual will have a individual concept of what is good and bad… So each individual will find justifications for lies being for the greater good… The question I would like answered is where is the line…?…

When a single lie is told… More lies are required to keep it alive… Enter the vicious circles of deceit… What happens to the truth…?… Do Politian’s really value lies above truth…?… If they do then why do we charge them with the running of our society…?… What ever happened to chivalry…?…

In my opinion… You should never do anything that requires you to lie… Why not tell the truth…?… Most will counter this by claiming a lie can spare someone’s feelings… But do they…?… Id rather be told that I’m ugly than lied to and told I am beautiful when I am not… Tough Love… ! …

I think we soften ourselves too much to want to believe lies over truth… Self deception may be comforting but how long can a lie last…?… And back to the question I would like answering… Where is the line to be drawn…? … How much lies do people like to believe for their greater good…?… Where is the limit…?

A film I suggest to watch, for an example of Politicians and their lies is...

...V for Vendetta…

“Artists used lies to tell the truth… While Politicians used them to cover the truth up…”

This Picture is a depiction of Belial - Demon of lies... For more information... See...

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