Friday 26 February 2010

Love, Lust and The Self.

The link below is a debate on masterbation... The argument begins by a claim that women can suppress their sexual urge better than men. A woman then goes on to refute this claim, stating that she is extreamly sexually active and chooses to masterbate to release the tention. The debate is whether or not masterbation is a Sin...

A few entries suggest that it is not... They argue from the point of view that God gave them the sexual urge so why not quench it... Providing the 'Thoughts' around the action are not lustful and provoked by porn... The debate continues into something we briefly discussed in the lecture... Children and Masterbation... Should a parent stop a child exploring their body...?... A mother posted that she teaches her child to only do it in privacy... Others comment on a suggestion that it should be beaten out of children... Personally, I have not witnessed my child playing with herself but if the day comes when I find her doing that... I have to agree with those who was against beating a child caught in the act... Violence is never the solution... Especially when I comes to children...

My personal view point is that, taken that masterbation is a release of sexual energy, done in private and totally individual... (I do not hold any grudge towards those who choose to)... But for me... It is not needed... What I mean by that is the sexual urge is a urge to, basically... Love and Mate... The energy that is called sexual is designed for male and female cooperation and love... Those who cannot control their sexual urges will have to masterbate to release it... And those who cannot control their sexual urges are consumed by lust...

Love and Making Love are most intense emotions that are highly addictive and can easily be mistaken for lust... The women who mentioned in the forum, that they are highly sexually active are meerly addicted to Lust... In my opinion that is...

I am a woman who has a dark history of lust and know how cunning and soul destroying it can be... I have been abstaining now for over 3 1/2 years and have strong opinions regarding sexual conduct... Some will call me repressed... (I vehemently deny that..!..)... Others will call me puritanical... Or even prudish... One thing that I hold firm to is that sexual energy need not be released for matters reduced to Lust...

My motto... "I will not make Love without Love"... If I have no man to love ... Then I will save myself for the day when a man I can Love comes along... Till then... I will rather abstain than succumb to Lust...!

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