Tuesday 16 February 2010

Bad by Definition

So far…During lectures we have discussed concepts of Bad Behaviour relating to Smoking, Prostitution, Stalking and Shoplifting. This week we are set to discuss Lying with Integrity… I assume we will question intentionally deceiving someone for a greater benefit and whether or not Honesty is always the Policy …

By Reflecting on the topics we have already discussed and speculating about topics we will cover in the future… I asked myself… What does ‘Bad’ actually mean…?… How is one to judge human behaviour as ‘Bad’ …? In order to begin to unravel these questions I decided I must first understand what is meant by the word ‘Bad’…?

In a common place dictionary… The word ‘Bad’ is defined as… Poor in quality, Unpleasant, Severe, Serious, Wicked, Harmful and Diseased. To apply ‘Bad’ to a type of behaviour, we must compare it to what is acceptable as Good Behaviour. To judge the quality or pleasantness of human behaviour, one must have a sense of morality, a sense of what is Right or Wrong…(Feel Free To Disagree…!)

So to define Bad Behaviour you must compare it to Good… Which leads me to question… Where EXACTLY do we get this divisible concept of Good and Bad from in the first place…? Our belief systems right..?.. Whether you are Religious or not… A Law abiding Citizen or not… The concept of Right and Wrong has evolved from SOMEWHERE… How can we be sure that what we assume is Right and Wrong IS actually Right and Wrong…?… What if that which we base our fundamental principles on is itself based on Lies…?… Lies that are continually told for the Greater Good…???

Most of the questions I have raised have been asked many times before… I believe them to be questions that cannot be answered directly and the ambiguity of the conclusions is the very reason they are still being asked….(Again, Feel Free To Disagree…!)

So with a New Moon smiling down on me… I sit with my pint cup of tea and contemplate ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong' … And wonder how I am to judge my Definition of Being Bad …?… Desire and Passion are often described as leading to Bad Behaviour… But by whose definition is ~*~Passion~*~ a type of ‘Bad’ behaviour…???

; )

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