Thursday 25 February 2010

Being A Bad Parent

A type of behaviour I cannot abide and find reckless is when a parent put themselves before their child. By this I mean when a Father, or Mother leaves the other parent to shoulder all the responsibility for raising their child. It takes two to create a child so if you willingly bring a child into the world, then shouldn't BOTH embrace equal responsibility..?

This is not a topic we will cover this semester but I believe this issue must be addressed.

Website like this offers a book containing advice for father's wanting to improve the relationship with their children... Im reading this through and I am wondering how can such 'guidelines' work...?.. The most common phrase I heard when I was expecting my daughter was "There is not guide to parenting" ... So how can one expect to avoid being a bad parent when what will work for one family may not work for another...?...

Question are always asked and rarely answered... With no 'guide' on how to be good... Some end up bad parents and abandon responsibility.... Leaving the other parent to explain all to the child...

What would be best... To Lie...?... Or tell the Truth...?...

1 comment:

  1. I found this post particulary interesting,definelty a issue which needs to be raised.
