Wednesday 17 March 2010

...Weed and Wisdom... ;)

Bad Behaviour or a Bad Reputation...?... Drugs have always been controversial... Our Society tells us through Law that Drugs are Bad... But are they really...?...

This link takes you to a site where general information is given on the Religious use of Cannabis... I looked into this a few years back after having a discussion with my uncle - (who is a Rasta) -  about spiritual use of cannabis... He believed that cannabis use should be legal for religious use... As it aids Meditation and Calms fiery tempers... Cannabis is a drug that can grow from the earth and certainly has a long medical and spiritual History...  The sumarians mentioned it in their early writings as far back as 3000BC...! 

Cannabis use is contoversial because it harms some who use it... It is widely documented that drug use can cause mental health to break down... But is the fact that Drugs harm some Reason enough to label it as 'Bad'...?...


  1. speed is much more dangerous in destroying health. That's from personal experience.

    Weed is fine. Add meth and it'll fuck-up your face.

  2. I think you make a strong point on the fact that perhaps marijuana isn't really as bad as people like to make it out to be. In fact I pretty much agree completely that it's almost always natural and can help people that experience a lot of pain from medical illnesses. So maybe if people were to not take advantage of what nature gives us we could all look past the stereotyped badness of it? And I agree with anonymous above that talks about how other drugs aren't as okay and you gotta watch out for people messing with the naturalness of weed. Good post though, your article choices were interesting!
