Wednesday, 10 March 2010

ASBO Nation...

They have been around for almost 10 years now... I have heard many times through the media about these Anti Social Behaviour Orders... I have heard kids shrugging the seriousness of such policies and even bragging they have been given one... ASBO's are supposed to restrict bad behaviour of young people who act in such a way that they cause the community concern. If ever there was a measure of bad behavior, then surely the ASBO is the one.

The link below takes you to a summery of a study named "ASBO Nation" which is conducted and peiced together by over 30 contributors.

"The aim of ASBO Nation is to illustrate the key questions surrounding the debate about antisocial behaviour and the government policies aimed at eradicating it from as many different perspectives as possible."...§ioncode=26

It becomes quite apparent that this is the way that this current governement deals with bad behaviour within the community... But what is the measure and defintion of bad behaviour...?... According to the Home Office website, an ASBO forbids a person specific threatening or intimidating actions... ... Only an authority such as the Police can request an ASBO which forbids threatening, intimidating or disruptive actions, spending time with a particular group of friends, and /or visiting certain areas... The website offers no further definition and no indication is given as to the type of measure is used to ascertain whether or not a type of behaviour is bad or not...

ASBO's have always caused debate as to whether or not they 'work'... Perhaps if a new government is to take over then the ASBO will dissapear and be replaced by another measure of bad behaviour which remains ambigious.

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